Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Stella Layout - First Skin for Blogger

At last! Well this might be too simple, but I'm starting anyway. And I borrowed the vector image from YOLKS715 and credited him for it. It composes of 18 or more slices, if you wanted to use it, download it from Blogskins. You can just copy and paste it all, not really necessary for uploading the images to your own host, just look out for the 100MB/hr bandwidth.

Feel free to browse on the the works of other deviants in and make your layouts, just don't forget to credit and contact them that you had used their works. OR ELSE! They were definitely watching you.. and can post you on the Hall of Shame. Hehe. I've got some space there too btw.

**UNFIXED: the Preview action of this template on Blogskins is messed up. I'm not yet sure what is the cause of this, but rest assured (since it was tested on my own blog) the code is working. Though some flaws I found, the class under the body post was reset to either Times Roman or the font size is too large, and the rollover link at the bottom (Yolks' link) does not appear. Hmn.. without changing the codes before I know it is perfectly working. Anyway, if you need support in fixing this (or any flaws with the code), you can inform me.


UPDATE: I'm getting crazy and stucked in editing this template. When I tested the codes on another blog for test, it seems everything is okay. I assume that the PREVIEW action in Blogskins wasn't able to handle the TABLE tags of the template that is why everything is messed up. I guess the safest way to play is to use DIVS tag on my future templates. Meanwhile you can check the template live on my SAMPLE BLOG (while I'm creating for another template).

You can download the skin here

11:18 PM

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